- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Vera Farmiga
- Jack Nicholson
- Matt Damon
- Mark Wahlburg
The Departed
Main Cast
Movie Directors and Producers
- Martin Scorsese
- Brad Pitt
- Graham King
Movie Rating and Review
The movie recieved very good reviews, getting a 90% on rotten tomatoes and a 94% audience score.
The Hollywood ReporterMovie Summary
The movie follows two undercover men working for oppisite sides, one side being an organzied crime group and the other being the Boston Police. The movie is essientalliy a cat and mouse game between these two.
Popular movie scene
One of the most popular scenes comes when Leonardo's character is confronted by his boss that he is the rat and the one who is leaking information about the group. Leo's character is able to talk his way out and stay hidden from the gang.